School History and Development
Lochside Academy opened to pupils on Thursday 23rd August 2018 following the closure of Kincorth Academy and Torry Academy in July 2018. The school was designed as a modern, stimulating learning environment, making maximum use of the external light and views, as well as supporting internal visibility and interaction. The building is much more appropriate for 21st Century education and it will support a greater degree of openness, interaction, sharing and mobility.
School’s Catchment Area
Lochside Academy services the areas of Cove, Kincorth and Torry with pupils being drawn from the associated primary schools in the catchment area. They are Abbotswell, Charleston, Kirkhill, Loriston, Tullos and Walker Road. Under the ‘Parents Charter’, parents living out with the official catchment area may make application to Aberdeen City for admission of their children to Lochside Academy.
Transport arrangements for such pupils are the responsibility of the parents. Applications for places are processed in accordance with a list of priorities published by Aberdeen City Council and available to all parents seeking to enrol their children. The Education Authority continually reviews school zones and from time to time amendments are made.
Lochside Academy Handbook 2023-2024
Please visit our updated Handbook for more information.

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